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We provide unique insight into the developing world energy and sustainability sector for investors, product manufacturers and organisations of all kinds.
Put simply, our support reduces risk and increases commercial profit whilst maintaining positive impact.


Market need and demand
It is well-established that access to modern energy services is essential for social and economic development.
Less understood is the reality that there are no technical or monetary barriers to ending energy-poverty.
As a global society, half of us own handheld super-computers and can instantly access the world's collective knowledge, while the other half struggle to access basic services such as light, information and communications.
Tens of billions of dollars are spent each year on energy services within the developing world. Yet around half the world's population does not have access to electrical services or their electricity is unreliable and of poor quality.
For businesses in emerging markets this means lost revenue, high operational costs and is a major barrier to growth.

Commercial opportunity
We focus on stand-alone or “off-grid” PV systems because they represent the highest value option in a truly gigantic emerging energy market.
  • Technology can be tailored and targeted, rather than needing to be state-of-the-art or lowest cost.
  • Money can be redirected rather than raised from donors.
  • Energy solutions can reduce customer spending and increase revenue.

Our strategy consultancy helps clients profit from the provision of quality energy services into energy-poor regions.

Typical services
  • Investor support and valuation
  • Company start-up and expansion strategies
  • Product portfolio development
  • Product assessment (technical teardown and commercial potential)
  • DC devices and consumer product direct procurement 
  • Equipment functional specification (subject to IP agreement)
Our experience
Our developing world energy sector experience ranges from pico lights and Solar Home Systems to diesel replacement and micro-grids.
We have conducted product teardown and value assessment for commercial and non-profit organisations.
For over 10 years we have been engaged with sector stakeholders to develop commercial strategies for single organisations, technology sectors and for the global energy services market.

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