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Our Values
  • Serving rural communities
  • Sharing decades of expertise with rural communities to enable reliable results
  • Focus on long term, maximum value solutions
  • Listening to the needs of our stakeholders and ensuring all our solutions are fit for purpose
  • Partnership approach with all stakeholders
  • Passion for supporting the wellbeing of rural communities in Rwanda and Malawi
Our Experience
  • Our core team and long-established partners have been supplying dependable energy solutions for over two decades.
  • Our work spans the whole range of stand-alone PV formats, from explosion-proof systems for industry to domestic services for energy-poor regions.
  • We have designed and implemented complex solar electricity solutions for urban environments, extreme climates and highly specialised applications.
e.g. Market need and demand
It is well-established that access to modern energy services is essential for social and economic development.
Less understood is the reality that there are no technical or monetary barriers to ending energy-poverty.
As a global society, half of us own handheld super-computers and can instantly access the world's collective knowledge, while the other half struggle to access basic services such as light, information and communications.
Tens of billions of dollars are spent each year on energy services within the developing world. Yet around half the world's population does not have access to electrical services or their electricity is unreliable and of poor quality.
For businesses in emerging markets this means lost revenue, high operational costs and is a major barrier to growth.
Track Record
Business and Strategy
  • First global energy business strategy
Flexible, 3rd generation PV technology manufacturer (2006)
  • Originated 11 patents in Thin-Film PV
Production, testing and applications (2007)
  • Globally endorsed finance sector report:
Thin-Film PV – Bright Prospects and Shady Claims (2008)
  • Formulations of successful IPO architecture
Leading PV manufacturer, Hong Kong (2010)
  • Co-authored book on energy implementation in the developing world
Engineering in Development: Energy – for Engineers Without Borders UK (2013/14)
  • Author of a book detailing a strategy for supplying energy services globally
Selling Daylight - (released 2017)
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